Wednesday, 18/08/2021, 07:37 GMT+7
But when symptoms persist, or you start to notice certain patterns. It can signal that something more serious is going on.
14. Persistent Cough
Most coughs will clear up within a week or so. But sometimes a chronic infection such as bronchitis may develop. However, persistent coughs may have a range of common causes:
· from asthma to acid reflux,
· sinusitis or side effects from medication such as ACE inhibitors,
· used to treat high blood pressure.
See your doctor if you’ve had a cough for longer than three or four weeks.
If you’re a smoker, don’t avoid seeing your doctor because you don’t want to be told to stop. A ‘smoker’s cough’ can be a sign of COPD. This is a serious lung disease that will become extremely debilitating to men if untreated.
Other serious causes include:
· lung cancer,
· a blood clot on the lung
· or heart problems.
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