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HKPS Edu >> OVERSEA STUDY >> Switzerland >>
Switzerland Education System

Elementary school (Volksschule)
Elementary school (Volksschule) is mandatory for all Swiss children. They must either attend the public school or must go to a private school. Elementary school starts at the age of seven and lasts at least eight, but usually nine years.

Apprenticeship (Berufslehre)
In Switzerland, most kids start a apprenticeship (Berufslehre) after elementary school. Depending on the profession, an apprenticeship takes two to four years. Apprenticeships include all kinds of professions, from handicraft (mechanician, carpenter, baker, hairdresser etc.) to office worker (secretary, bookkeeper, IT specialist etc.). After apprenticeship and depending on their education, young people can either start a job or join other schools for further education, including so called technical colleges (Fachhochschulen).

Secondary school (Gymnasium)

There are various types of secondary schools (Gymnasia) with different emphasis and major subjects: The Mathematisches und Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium ("secondary school of math and science") focuses on math and science,. The Neusprachliches Gymnasium ("secondary school of modern languages") focuses on modern languages such as German, French, Italian and English…All these secondary schools last either six and a half or four and a half years and lead to the so called Eidgenössische Matura ("federal graduation diploma") which is recognized at all universities in Switzerland and at most universities in foreign countries.

University (Universität)
To be able to attend an university, a student must have finished a Gymnasium and own a graduation diploma. The study at an university usually lasts four and a half years.


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