Singapore application documents & neccessary steps |
Step1: Apply at school of choice
The parent/guardian submits the completed application form for school admission together with all the necessary original documents directly to a school of choice.
Step 2: Offshore English placement test & being accepting
You will attend the offshore English placement test and after that, school will issue Letter of Acceptance.
Step 3: The school will issue a Letter of Acceptance
The Letter of Acceptance will indicate in-principle acceptance of the applicant to the school. The applicant can proceed to ICA to apply for a student’s pass with this letter.
Acceptance to the school is subject to the applicant obtaining and returning with a student’s pass from Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) within 4 to 6 weeks from date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance.
Step 4: Apply student’s pass at ICA
The Letter of Acceptance is valid for 2 weeks from date of issue. Upon receiving the Letter of Acceptance, the applicant should proceed to ICA immediately to apply for a student’s pass. Applicant must produce the original Letter of Acceptance endorsed by the School to ICA.
Step 5: Fee payments & preparement for departure
After the applicant has been successfully admitted to the school. Student should pay tuition fee and revalent fees 2 weeks before going to school.
Arranging your airticket, accomodation, information about Singapore and prepare your luggage to departure.